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IMPORTANT Murray Middle School Campus Information

Murray is Located at 200 E Drummond Ave
Phone # 760-499-1820
Fax # 760-499-1826

Parent/Student Arrival/Departure and Parking Procedures:

Students arriving on bikes, scooters and skate boards should ride on right side of public roads and cross in cross walks. Once on school campus they are to walk their bikes, scooters, skateboards to the locking cage. Routes are on sidewalks not through parking lots or drop off loop. (See controlled pedestrian crossing areas below.)

Vehicle arrival and departure is through the loop. Enter the loop on the east entrance turning right off of Drummond and depart the loop on the west side turning right on to Drummond. To drop or pick up students please pull as far forward as possible – ultimately up to the yellow poles with blue stripes. This allows traffic to get off of Drummond and safely into the loop. Be sure to stay on the right side of the loop and students should exit and enter the vehicle only on the right side. To exit after dropping or picking up students, pull to the left when clear, and continue around the loop to the right hand exit on to Drummond.

Parking is limited during the day at Murray.

The loop may be used as visitor parking during the day from 7:15 am to 1:45 pm.

Controlled Pedestrian Crossings

The following streets have controlled pedestrian crossings:

Ridgecrest Blvd & Richmond

Ridgecrest Blvd & Sunland (flashing stop sign)

Ridgecrest Blvd & China Lake

Norma & Drummond

China Lake & Drummond

China Lake & Ward

China Lake & French

Drummond & Chelsea (behind Kmart)

Norma & Ward

Inyokern and Norma

French & Drummond



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