Student Dress Code and Materials - MMS

School Materials:

  • Only supplies relevant to the school environment and the students' education are permissible on campus. Any materials considered dangerous or likely to create a disruption of school activities may be confiscated by school personnel.

Dress Code

  • Non-transparent clothing shall cover students from shoulders to mid-thigh

  • Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times.  

  • Shoes must have hard soles and be secured at the toe and heel.

  • Student attire must be sufficient for all students to engage in expected activities and remain in compliance.

  • Clothing, jewelry, and personal items shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignia which is vulgar, lewd, obscene, profane, or sexually suggestive or which promotes the use of gangs, violence, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or other illegal activity.

Violations may be dealt with at the administrator’s discretion, and board policy states that students must be in compliance with the above or they may be sent home to return appropriately dressed for school.


SSUSD School Board Policy

Students will wear clothing appropriate for the promotion of an effective educational program which provides for student safety and health and avoids distraction to the educational process. A student who goes to school without meeting minimum guidelines or without proper attention having been given to personal cleanliness or neatness of dress may be sent home to be properly prepared for school, or shall be required to prepare him/herself for the school room before entering.

The school is responsible for providing a positive atmosphere where all children will be able to learn. Students and their parents/guardians need to help create and maintain this atmosphere.

The following minimum guidelines shall be followed in determining appropriateness of dress for students:

1. Revealing or excessively short garments including bare midriffs shall not be worn. Clothing shall be worn at an appropriate length for sitting and bending, as well as standing. Appropriate length is defined as that which does not reveal undergarments or the posterior.

2. Articles displaying vulgar words, symbols, pictures, or derogatory remarks which are contrary to a positive educational climate shall not be worn.

3. Bare feet or shoes that do not hold both the front part of the foot and the heel securely to the sole shall not be permitted.

4. Extremely tight fitting garments, backless halters, and strapless tops or dresses shall not be worn.

Determination of meeting these minimum guidelines will be made by site administration in accordance with the needs at each site.

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